Our learning incorporates

Laptops, Software development,
robotics, 3D printers and drones

We integrate technology where it's beneficial to learning. Students are to bring their own laptop devices.

We integrate technology where it's beneficial to learning. Students are to bring their own laptop devices.

Technology is an integral part of the RJ learning experience and Senior School students are required to bring their own laptop to school as part of the 'Bring Your Own Device' (BYOD) program. Whilst the use of technology is a tool to support student learning, it also provides opportunities to collaborate, communicate and research whilst in the classroom. Our teachers actively integrate technology where beneficial for the development of the students.

In particular, teachers use the tremendous capabilities of CANVAS and OneNote to creatively interact with students, set tasks, observe student's efforts and provide immediate feedback both during and upon completion of a task. For example, a teacher can set up a worksheet on OneNote but differentiate the worksheet according to each student’s ability. In this way, more able students may be given a more complex worksheet, whereas students who require further assistance may receive a more informative and scaffolded worksheet. The teacher then marks and comments on the student’s worksheet in real time. Students submit most assessments through CANVAS. When marked, parents can view the feedback given through the Edumate Parent Portal.

RJ also offers significant Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) activities incorporating robotics, 3D printers and drones. These experiences occur in Technology classes, the iSTEM elective, and Software Development and Design in Years 11 and 12.

Please consult the "BYOD Information Booklet" for more information about laptop requirements.

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